Mixes for Privacy and Anonymity in the Internet
This is the complete list of members for CACertificate, including all inherited members.
CAASymCipher class | CACertificate | friend |
CACertificate() | CACertificate | private |
CACertificate(X509 *x) | CACertificate | private |
CASignature class | CACertificate | friend |
CASSLContext class | CACertificate | friend |
CATLSClientSocket class | CACertificate | friend |
clone() const | CACertificate | |
decode(const UINT8 *const buff, UINT32 bufflen, UINT32 type, const char *const passwd=NULL) | CACertificate | static |
decode(const DOMNode *node, UINT32 type, const char *passwd=NULL) | CACertificate | static |
decode(const UINT8 **derX509, UINT32 derX509Len) | CACertificate | privatestatic |
encode(UINT8 *buff, UINT32 *bufflen, UINT32 type) const | CACertificate | |
encode(DOMElement *&elemRoot, XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMDocument *doc) const | CACertificate | |
getAuthorityKeyIdentifier(UINT8 *r_aki, UINT32 *r_akiLen) const | CACertificate | |
getRawSubjectKeyIdentifier(UINT8 *r_ski, UINT32 *r_skiLen) | CACertificate | |
getSubjectKeyIdentifier(UINT8 *r_ski, UINT32 *r_skiLen) | CACertificate | |
getX509() const | CACertificate | private |
getXmlElementName() | CACertificate | static |
isValid() const | CACertificate | |
m_pAKI | CACertificate | private |
m_pCert | CACertificate | private |
m_pSKI | CACertificate | private |
m_spXmlElementName | CACertificate | privatestatic |
removeColons(const UINT8 *a_cSki, UINT32 a_cSkiLen, UINT8 *&r_ski, UINT32 *r_skiLen) | CACertificate | static |
setSubjectKeyIdentifier(UINT8 *a_value, UINT32 a_valueLen) | CACertificate | |
setSubjectKeyIdentifier() | CACertificate | |
verify(const CACertificate *a_cert) const | CACertificate | |
~CACertificate() | CACertificate |